Tuition and Fees


Estimated Tuition & Fees 2023-2024

PLEASE NOTE :  Tuition rates are set irrespective of the modality of course delivery and there are no refunds, partial or otherwise, if there is a change in course delivery modality. As a result of the ongoing uncertainty created by COVID-19, the mode of course delivery at Saint Mary’s may be subject to change on short notice (e.g., in-person to online, in-person to hybrid, etc.) when circumstances suggest that a modality change in course delivery is in the interest of the College community in the discretion of Saint Mary’s.


Undergraduate Tuition & Fees



Undergraduate students: Fall payment due date is August 15, 2023.

Projected spring payment due date is January 15, 2024. These dates are subject to change.


Annual Full-time Rate (12-18 units per semester; max 36 units per year)

Semester Undergraduate Full-time Rate


$27,817 fall/spring

Part-time per unit rate (fewer than 12 units per long semester)

Part-time students are billed the per unit rate for Fall, Jan, and Spring terms and must be enrolled in less than 12 units per semester; less than 24 units for the year (including Jan term).


Additional units (over 18 units per term, requires approval of advisor)

***over 4 units for Jan term ***



Open Enrollment (per unit) max is 8 units per long term (3 units for Jan term)*lifetime max is 32 units* 


Annual Student Body Fee (student activity fee)

Annual Student Enhancement Fee



Student Health Insurance **
(**billed upfront in fall semester)



*Part-time students must be under 12 units per long semester or 24 units for the year to be considered "part-time" and WILL BE BILLED unit by unit, including Jan term. Part-time students cannot exceed 24 units for the year. There is no undergraduate tuition charge for Jan term for full-time undergraduate students. Jan term costs may include lab fees, material fees, and travel costs (if applicable). 

**All full-time undergraduate students are REQUIRED to have medical/health insurance.  The new school negotiated insurance with United HealthCare is estimated at $2,462 for the 2023-2024 academic year. The premium is billed once, upfront, in the fall semester. Please visit for coverage details. The school negotiated insurance is mandatory for international students and U.S. citizens with primary residence abroad.

Tuition and fees do not include lab fees, material fees, library fines, parking fees, student loan fees or any other miscellaneous fees. 

If you have billing-related questions, our Business Office can help! Please visit their site or just give them a call.

Annual Food and Housing


Traditional Style Single with Meal Plan included


Traditional Style Double with Meal Plan included


Suite Style Single with Meal Plan included


Suite Style Double with Meal Plan included


Suite Style Single+ with Meal Plan included


Suite Style Double+ with Meal Plan included


Mitty Hall with Meal Plan included

Becket & More Hall with Meal Plan included





Townhouse Double with Meal Plan




Optional meal plan available to off-campus students only

Please contact Campus Housing for details (925) 631-4241



Saint Mary's is an independent institution that receives no operating support from public funds. Student tuition fees cover approximately 3/4ths of the cost of the general education services provided by the College. Endowment, support of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, and gifts from trustees, parents, alumni, other friends, corporations, and foundations offsets the remaining balance.